The tablet does not see the flash drive

Most often, all tablets are equipped with a micro-USB port, this makes it possible to connect external memory devices, which is quite convenient. But in some cases, the tablet computer does not see and does not respond to a USB flash drive. There may be several reasons for this.

Why the tablet does not see the flash drive

If the tablet computer does not respond to the USB flash drive, then you need to pay attention to some of the most common reasons why this happens.

As a rule, devices are equipped with only a micro-USB port and there is no standard USB connector. In this case, a conventional flash drive is connected using a special adapter. This adds to the number of vulnerable areas in which contact may diverge. If before that everything worked in normal mode, then a possible cause of the breakdown is the lack of contact at the connection site.

A careful visual inspection can, for example, determine that the device does not recognize the USB flash drive through the OTG wire. The manufacturer used low-quality materials - as a result, external damage is the reason that the device does not see the flash drive. Most of the adapters, OTG and USB-wires are made non-separable, and, accordingly, they cannot be repaired. If a breakdown was detected in the above devices, then they simply need to be replaced with new ones.

For various types of external memory devices, a power supply of 40-300 mA is required. The USB flash drive is powered through the USB port (on the connection bar, these are two contacts located at the edges). Due to the design features, it sometimes happens that a tablet computer cannot provide the required amperage for the normal operation of an external memory card.

There is only one way out - this is a separate adapter with a power supply. By and large, this device is not very practical and it makes sense to use it only in exceptional situations. The most practical option is to choose a USB flash drive that matches the device’s parameters.

Attention! The most common reason for worrying is when the USB flash drive is connected, and a pop-up window with a message about it does not appear on the screen. There is only one conclusion - the gadget does not recognize the drive.

You need to look in the "Device Manager", if the list contains the storage medium, respectively, the problem must be sought in the settings of the tablet computer.

How to find a reason

Various electronics failures happen all the time. The most important thing in these cases is not to panic. It is necessary to calmly try to understand everything and find the causes of the main problem.

If the tablet computer does not recognize the USB flash drive, what can be done:

  1. You need to start by restarting the gadget (such a manipulation will eliminate a normal malfunction in the operating system).
  2. It is necessary to check the external drive on other equipment (this will be able to confirm or deny the operability of the memory card).
  3. If the opportunity allows, then you need to connect another memory card to the tablet (this will make it possible to find out whether, in general, the gadget can be connected via a USB connector).
  4. When buying a memory drive, you must monitor the compatibility of equipment. It is best to have devices on hand at the time of purchase and determine this directly in the store.
  5. It is not necessary to exclude deformation of contacts and cable. Active loads on the port cause many failures.

What to do if the tablet does not see a USB flash drive

In some cases, the tablet computer does not recognize a drive that has a file format unknown to the gadget system. All drives must be formatted in the FAT32 system, which allows mobile devices to work correctly with storage media. Tablet computers do not recognize NTFS. If the drive is formatted in this system, then you need to reformat it. Why connect it to a laptop, click "Format" and select FAT32 in the menu that appears.

A system crash also often occurs. Identify the media on the tablet, as on a regular PC, will not work. Because they have different OS. Tablet computers run on the Android OS, while PCs and laptops run on Windows. If the Android device does not have the ES FileExplorer file manager, then it cannot recognize the drive. That is, you need to download the ES manager.

Reference! The tablet does not recognize the USB flash drive if there is an item on the gadget where it is necessary to set a “flag” so that the device turns on and it is not marked.

If after checking all the settings, choosing the right flash drive, formatting it, and other ways to fix the problem, the tablet still does not want to recognize the memory card, then most likely there were crashes in the operating system. Probably the gadget "will see" if you reflash it, but this need can be recognized only after completing a complete diagnosis in the repair shop.

Watch the video: Attaching an external USB hard drive to a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (June 2024).

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